Eagle Warriorship Online: Air Initiation
In the fourth segment, we connect with the energy, qualities and traits of the Eagle. We are now called to a higher vision of ourselves, learning to stretch our limits, to doing and being much more than we believed we were capable of. The element here is Air.
We have been through a shamanic initiation, a process of transforming the old paradigm of the warrior, welcoming them home, compassionately understanding their journey and diving into the unconscious aspects that triggered a defensive response. We now step into transforming our experiences into a higher perspective of the warrior’s shamanic journey.
We trust in possibilities, taking one step after the other and knowing we will arrive at our destination, even if we do not understand what is being asked of us. We learn how to fly. We step into a higher version of ourselves and understand there are other forces at work supporting us (and humanity) in this evolution of consciousness. We become the Shamanic Warrior for a New Earth. The element here is Air.
These workshops are co-facilitated with Carley Mattimore, John Malan, Co-founders of Aahara Spiritual Community of Venus Rising, Ruth Souther, Lead Trainer with Aahara Spiritual Community of Venus Rising, and Teri Freesmeyer.
$275 ($225 Early bird by November 1st )
All times listed in Central Time Zone