Personal Transformation
This powerful process will help you remember and reconnect with your own inner healer.
Next SHIP is Shadow: FIRE Initiation
Understand your dark side (what Jung called the shadow) and accept the unloved part of yourself.
In this workshop, we will connect to the energies of the Fire Cycle, the third initiation in the birth process. In Shadow, we how to develop compassion for our whole self and reclaim our power and authenticity.
February 28, March 1-2 , 2025
($325 Early bird)
Inner Beloved: May 2-4, 2025
Sacred Purpose: June 27-29, 2025
2024-2025 SHIP Series Dates
What is SHIP?
The SHIP Program is a series of five transformative initiations, also known as the Spiral Path, designed to remove the obstacles to true growth, let go of old story lines that no longer serve us and step into our sacred purpose in this lifetime. As the blocks to higher love and wisdom are released and soulful integration occurs, individuals are set free to stand in the truth of their authentic being and walk a path with heart.
1) Cycles of Change: Element of Water
2) Family of Origin: Element of Earth
3) Shadow: Element of Fire
4) Inner Beloved: Element of Spirit
5) Sacred Purpose: Element of Air
These initiations, or workshops, are offered every other month from Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. through Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Central Time. Each of the five workshops features the Shamanic Breathwork™ Process, a safe and powerful healing tool that uses the breath, chakra-attuned music, focused bodywork, art, and group sharing to help individuals connect to their own inner healer/Shaman and step into life as an authentic, empowered person, sharing your gifts with those you love and the world. These workshops are experiential and will use teachings, guided meditation, drumming, Shamanic Breathwork, art and group process.
Our main tool for the Ship program is the Shamanic Breathwork™ Process, birthed through Venus Rising’s founder, Linda Star Wolf. Every turn of the great wheel of life requires an ego surrender to Great Mystery. Rebirth can only occur after a symbolic death and release of the old forms that no longer serve us. This journey often requires moving through a “dark night of the soul.”

Upcoming SHIPS
The Next SHIP is Shadow, February 28, March 1 & 2, 2025
Fire Initiation
Understand your dark side (what Jung called the shadow) and accept the unloved part of yourself. Develop compassion for your whole self and reclaim your power and authenticity.
Future SHIPs
Inner Beloved
Sacred Purpose
Spirit Initiation
Air Initiation
Reconcile the opposites that war within us and discover your Inner Beloved: the part of you that has always loved you unconditionally and always will.
Open your soul to its true expression so that you can manifest your gift in the world.
Cycles of Change
Family of Origin
Water Initiation
Earth Initiation
Learn to consciously use the Five Cycles of Change to make the positive changes you want in your life.
This is the first in the series of 5 workshops designed to take you through a transformational process of healing and discovery of your authentic self.
In this workshop we will work on understanding how we move through change in a spiral path, moving through the cycles of the elements.
Understand how your childhood and family relationships are still affecting your life today.
Learn more about SHIP from Carley and John in this short video:
Conversation about Aahara’s Shamanic Healing Initiatory Process, SHIP.
What People Are Saying
“SHIP is an amazing, transformative process! Carley, John, and Ruth are wonderful, dedicated facilitators, fully committed to all participants coming into their highest and best consciousness and life purpose. The five training weekends are full of experiential activities, such as breathwork, artwork, and lots of processing. The breathwork sessions are particularly powerful. I am so grateful for this program. Thank you so much!”
— Dr. Tassel Faith Shanebrook, SHIP
“My experience with Carley, John, and Ruth and the Aahara community as a whole has been so deeply beautiful. They came into my life at a time when I was moving into new levels of transformation, and I really needed support. They moved with me every step of the way through the SHIP Breathwork process. Their care for me was so evident, and I felt their loving hearts so clearly. They hold impeccable space in ceremony, and their integrity shines in what they do. I highly recommend working with the Aahara community - to belong, to transform, and to more fully step into the truth of who we are.”
— Jason Latham, SHIP
“SHIP and the Aahara community have resourced me and supported me through the past few years of major healing. This modality is transformative and empowers healing oneself in the supportive container of a group of empathic, caring people. It goes so much deeper than talk therapy and actually moves trauma out of the body and helps people become more fully their true, full selves. I am utterly grateful to have this in my life.”
—Rebecca Osland, SHIP
The Shamanic Breathwork™ Process is a powerful healing process that inspires individuals to remember and reconnect with their own inner healer. As old wounds and dysfunctional patterns are released and transformed, individuals begin to regain lost soul parts and remember the magic of who they truly are. Empowerment brings wholeness and healing back into their own lives, to the lives of those they love, and to the world at large. This process is highly experiential and the wisdom and healing gained comes from each individual’s inner experience.
Learn more HERE
Shamanic Breathwork™ honors and blends the timeless wisdom of ancient traditions with the emerging new paradigm methods of healing and teaching. It functions as the rainbow bridge between these two worlds honoring the best of both worlds while creating a bridge for body, mind, heart, and spirit.
The Spiral Path refers to the journey through the initiations each individual goes through and is a reminder that as one continues along their path, they may experience familiar resistances, yet with each new encounter they are carrying more and more insight and wisdom to help them navigate their way.
No, you do not. You can do any of the SHIP workshops for your own personal transformation or as part of the training program. The five workshops are offered over the course of one year and you are welcome to experience the workshops in any order.
Complete the five initiations and you will become a graduate of the SHIP Process and become eligible to be ordained as a Shamanic Minister and a member of the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network.
Some graduates choose to apprentice the workshop series to become a Shamanic Breathwork™ Facilitator. Learn more HERE. Please email us if you are interested in learning more about becoming a Shamanic Breathwork™ Facilitator.