
Aahara’s Signature Leadership Program

The Shamanic Warriorship Path:

A Training Program for Warrior Leadership for a New Age.

Next Warriorship is the Third Tier Initiation of Crow - Fire

We are embodying a new kind of warrior energy that works in collaboration with the animal kingdom and the natural world. Together we are learning to co-create from a place of mutual respect. We are remembering who we are and standing in our warrior truth! At this turning of the ages, we release our codependency, step into our independence and remember our interdependence with all of the Earth.

For this initiation, we will be collaborating and co-creating with Crow and the element of Fire to look deeper into situations and consider a new perspective by developing trust in using our intuition, adaptability, and resiliency to support us through change, transformation, and spiritual growth. This initiation will help guide us towards creating new beginnings as we navigate uncertainty and symbolic death in times of great change. We will learn more about how to utilize our intelligence and resourcefulness to solve problems as they surface and see things differently, building strong ties to the spirit world to bring wisdom and messages from the ancestors during this time of significant change. Together we will dance with the magic and mystery, that invites us to embrace what we cannot yet understand.

April 11-13, 2025


($225 Early Bird by April 1st)

As we walk our path and open the gateways of our memory that connect us to all things, we remember our sacred contract with the Earth.

A new octave of planetary service is underway...

We are in an age of incredible power and promise which humanity could never have imagined. We still cannot predict how it will unfold. It is an age that has been anticipated by many indigenous cultures through lifetimes, through history’s patterns and through prophecies. A time we have all been waiting for—the fifth most powerful evolutionary time on the planet.

It is in this time of change that we need a new paradigm of the warrior, the birth of a new kind of warrior energy that aligns with the heart and the higher frequencies of consciousness unfolding on the planet.

The Shamanic Warrior eliminates that which no longer serves us as individuals or as a collective. Shamanic Warrior energy creates a powerful force field that serves all of humanity with compassion. Decisions are made from a higher consciousness based on shamanic sustainability, which enhances humanity and nature, staying aware of the needs and aspirations of the whole ecosystem, promoting harmony and balance.

We each have a sacred purpose, a way of bringing our own unique energy and gifts to the whole of humanity; we are a part of the whole and as such we each contribute an essential piece to the healing and transformation of our planet.

This workshop series is designed for anyone who wants to step more fully into a balanced leadership role for humanity while living their passion and embodying their own sacred activism during this radical transformation into the Age of Aquarius and Leo.

This new Shamanic Warriorship Training Program, developed by Master Facilitators Carley Mattimore, John Malan and Ruth Souther, is an experiential journey of healing and transforming our inner warrior, who was born out of trauma and who learned some combination of fight, flight, freeze or fold to keep us safe.

It is time to step into the energy of the Shamanic Warrior.

~Trust Your Inner Wisdom and Follow Your Soul’s Calling

~Navigating between Intra & Inter-consciousness

~Evolutionary Cellular Activations

~Evolution of the Human

~Stepping into Leadership

~Listening to Self


~Live Sound Healings

~Shamanic Breathwork

~Multi-cultural Ceremonies

~ Wisdom Guidance from Nature’s Kingdom

~ Dynamic Teachings from Channeled Archetypes

~Evolutionary Understanding of the Transcendent Warrior

Conversation about Warriorship, Aahara’s Signature Leadership Program.

Warriorship Initiations

Next Warriorships

  • Crow, In Person (Third): April 11-13, 2025

  • Tiger, online (Core): August 22-24, 2025

  • Eagle, online (Core): November 14-16, 2025

Third Tier Initiations



Fire Initiation

Water Initiation

  • We embody a new kind of warrior energy that collaborates with the animal kingdom and the natural world. Together, we are learning to co-create from a place of mutual respect. We remember who we are and stand in our warrior truth! At this turning of the ages, we release our codependency, step into our independence, and remember our interdependence with all of the Earth.

    For this initiation, we will be co-creating and collaborating with the energy of Crow and the element of Fire to…

     ~Look deeper into situations and consider a new perspective.

     ~Develop trust in using our intuition, adaptability, and resiliency.

     ~Support for us through change, transformation, and spiritual growth.

     ~Guide us towards creating new beginnings as we navigate uncertainty and symbolic death in times of great change.

    ~Utilize our intelligence and resourcefulness to solve problems as they surface and see things differently.

     ~Build strong ties to the spirit world to bring wisdom and messages from the ancestors during this time of significant change.

     ~Dance with magic and mystery, inviting us to embrace what we cannot yet understand.

  • ~April 11, 12 & 13, 2025

    Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

    Register Here

  • We embody a new kind of warrior energy that collaborates with the animal kingdom and the natural world. Together, we are learning to co-create from a place of mutual respect. We remember who we are and stand in our warrior truth! At this turning of the ages, we release our codependency, step into our independence, and remember our interdependence with all of the Earth.

    For this initiation, we will be co-creating and collaborating with the energy of Beaver and the element of Water to…

     ~Become ecological engineers of our lives, shaping our habitat to benefit ourselves and other species.

     ~Continue initiating our hardworking natures through the destruction and rebuilding process as we foster teamwork and cooperation.

     ~Seek emotional balance, resilience, and a capacity to create a safe and secure place for ourselves and our loved ones.

     ~Find ways to navigate challenges and protect one’s emotional well-being.

     ~Embrace simplicity and find contentment in the present moment.

    ~Embody the values of unity, perseverance, community cooperation, and adaptability.

  • ~June 6, 7 & 8, 2025

    Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

    Register Here



Water Initiation

Earth Initiation

  • For this initiation, we will be collaborating and co-creating with Whale.

    ~Listening and trusting our own intuitive wisdom

    ~Integrating power with passion and gentleness

    ~Breathing in nourishment to support ourselves and humanity through this evolution of consciousness

    ~Connecting to the Goddess Athena in her heroine’s journey of reclamation: From War to Wisdom

    ~Healing and regeneration of the Masculine

    ~Feminine Compassionate Heart Returns

    ~Tuning into frequencies of higher-order communication with the natural world

    ~Opening energetic meridians

    As we breach the surface of this new time on Earth, what will your inner warrior be communicating to you?

    What is emerging from the depths of your being, calling you forward?

  • ~TBD 2024

    Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

    Register Here

  • We are embodying a new kind of warrior energy that works in collaboration with the animal kingdom and the natural world. Together we are learning to co-create from a place of mutual respect. We are remembering who we are and standing in our warrior truth! At this turning of the ages, we release our codependency, step into our independence, and remember our interdependence with all of the Earth.

    For this initiation, we will be co-creating and collaborating with the energy of Elephant and the element of Earth.

    ~Opening the Ley-lines of Communication between us and the Natural World

    ~Strengthening Familial Bonds with Ancestral Beings & the World Family Tree

    ~Matriarchal Wisdom Restored

    ~Removing Obstacles on Our Paths and Opening the Way!

    ~Medicine Wheel Messages from Great Mystery

    ~Ceremonial Grief Rituals for the Collective

    ~Tapping into Ancient Forces to Heal Wounds and Losses from the Past

    As we walk our path and open the gateways of our memory that connect us to all things, we remember our sacred contract with the Earth.

  • ~TBD 2025

    Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

    Register Here


Mountain Gorilla

Fire Initiation

Air Initiation

Water Initiation

Air Initiation


Praying Mantis

Air Initiation

Earth Initiation

  • We embody a new kind of warrior energy that collaborates with the animal kingdom and the natural world. Together, we are learning to co-create from a place of mutual respect. We remember who we are and stand in our warrior truth! At this turning of the ages, we release our codependency, step into our independence, and remember our interdependence with all of the Earth.

    For this initiation, we will co-create and collaborate with the energy of the Praying Mantis and the element of Air to…

     ~Connect to the Divinity within and around us to live with a sense of life’s sacredness.

     ~Live a balanced life with mental and spiritual satisfaction and find your purpose.

     ~Embrace the power of stillness to observe, know, and access what is most essential in our lives.

     ~Find calm in the middle of the chaos.

     ~Develop one’s prophetic abilities and learn how to navigate challenges in life.

     ~Trust in one’s inner truth and what can manifest in peace in one’s life.

     ~Live in such a way that one is an expression of the Divine.

  • ~June 5, 6 & 7, 2026

    Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

    Register Here

  • We embody a new kind of warrior energy that collaborates with the animal kingdom and the natural world. Together, we are learning to co-create from a place of mutual respect. We remember who we are and stand in our warrior truth! At this turning of the ages, we release our codependency, step into our independence, and remember our interdependence with all of the Earth.

    For this initiation, we will collaborate with the energy of Deer and the element of Earth to…

     ~Find the courage to act even when obstacles arise in our path.

     ~Access our inner child to remind us to play and enjoy life in each expression of the sacredness of the Earth.

     ~Be gentle, determined, and sure even in difficult situations. Remember that a gentle soul is not a helpless one.

     ~Release old, unprocessed feelings while embracing kindness, compassion, and empathy for ourselves and others.

     ~Build bridges of understanding between self and another with different persuasions.

     ~Integrate the characteristics of compassion and gentleness without sacrificing your sacred self.

  • ~April 10, 11 & 12, 2026

    Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

    Register Here

Second Tier Initiations

  • We are embodying a new kind of warrior energy that works in collaboration with the animal kingdom and the natural world. Together we are learning to co-create from a place of mutual respect. We are remembering who we are and standing in our warrior truth! At this turning of the ages, we release our codependency, step into our independence, and remember our interdependence with all of the Earth.

    For this initiation, we will be co-creating and collaborating with the energy of Hyena and the element of Fire.

     ~Keeping our Emotional and Physical Environment Clean

     ~Working consciously with our inner Shadow Eater

     ~Passionate connection with our soul family

     ~Embracing laughter and being more light-hearted in our relationships with ourselves and each other

     ~Masculine Feminine Integration

     ~Using our voice for effective communication

     ~Good governance of our lives & what is important and of value

     ~Connecting to the Sun through Hyena

  • ~TBD 2025

    Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

    Register Here

  • We are embodying a new kind of warrior energy that works in collaboration with the animal kingdom and the natural world. Together we are learning to co-create from a place of mutual respect. We are remembering who we are and standing in our warrior truth! At this turning of the ages, we release our codependency, step into our independence, and remember our interdependence with all of the Earth.

    For this initiation, we will be co-creating and collaborating with the energy of Mountain Gorilla and the element of Air.

     ~Higher perspective understanding of the World

     ~Stepping into Compassionate Wise Leadership

     ~Walking Our Purpose and Knowing Our Power!

     ~Becoming the Shaman of Our Own Lives

     ~Creating Healthy Loving Communities

     ~Learning how to use all Our Senses Physical & Psychic in Navigating Life

     ~Honor and Cooperation within Families

     ~Deepening Relationships with Self-Love and Self Respect

     ~Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energy

  • ~TBD 2025

    Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

    Register Here

Core Initiations-Online



Fire Initiation

Earth Initiation

  • In the first segment we connect to the energy of the Lion, its energy, qualities and traits that correspond to our inner authority and inner strength and that supports us in realigning with our true natures. We embrace and welcome home our “wounded warrior”, the part of ourselves that has protected us from perceived threats.

    We learn about the archetype of Chiron, the wounded warrior who embarks on a journey to heal the wounds from personal and lineage trauma, transforming them into the medicine for a new Earth. We remember, re-align, reset and reconnect to the inherent wisdom within us to become the agents of change on Earth during this evolutionary upgrade on the planet. The element here is Earth.

  • TBD

  • In the second segment, we connect with the energy, qualities and traits of the Dragon, the guardian energy that transforms into our ally as we embrace and welcome home our loyal soldier, the wounded inner warrior. We will develop a new relationship with these shadow elements and a deeper understanding of our unconscious defense mechanisms, which developed through our early trauma.

    This process supports us in flushing out the old warrior paradigm and helps to raise our consciousness to a full awakening of our responsibility in community. As we reclaim and heal this shadow energy it becomes the fuel for us to be passionately of service at this critical time on the planet. The element here is Fire.

  • TBD



  • In the fourth segment, we connect with the energy, qualities and traits of the Eagle. We have been through a shamanic initiation, a process of transforming the old paradigm of the warrior, welcoming them home, compassionately understanding their journey and diving into the unconscious aspects that triggered a defensive response. We now step into transforming our experiences into a higher perspective of the warrior’s shamanic journey. We are now called to a higher vision of ourselves, learning to stretch our limits, to doing and being much more than we believed we were capable of.

    We trust in possibilities, taking one step after the other and knowing we will arrive at our destination, even if we do not understand what is being asked of us. We learn how to fly. We step into a higher version of ourselves and understand there are other forces at work supporting us (and humanity) in this evolution of consciousness. We become the Shamanic Warrior for a New Earth. The element here is Air.

  • ~~November 14, 15, & 16, 2025

    Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday

    Register Here

  • In the third segment, we connect with the energy, qualities and traits of the Tiger. Tiger symbolizes primal instincts, unpredictability, and the ability to trust our intuition. This includes developing willpower, personal strength and courage. As we unpack our shadow warrior traits, we directly face our fears & overwhelming emotions by inviting them into conscious awareness, bringing them to the table to work through the need for denial that has kept them hidden.

    Here we integrate our emotions, harnessing the energy consumed by defensive behaviors. We become strong and insightful as we learn how to trust our own inner knowing. As we get stronger physically and emotionally, we have a renewed passion, sensuality and purpose in life! The element here is Water.

  • ~August 22, 23, & 24, 2025

    Friday night, Saturday and Sunday

    Register Here

What People Are Saying

“The Warrior program has been a huge part of my process to finding the gentle but fierce Warrior that is within Me! Connecting to source through the natural world is where I find the most healing. I have found through The Warrior Path instead of the old patterns of fight, flight, freeze or fold, I stand in my truth and dive deep into the depths of myself and face matters with a higher perspective to be a better human for this planet and for myself.  This program has been an asset to my life and if you are looking for something that is going to rattle your cage, shift your consciousness, and help you feel more aligned with The Earth, Source Energy, and YOURSELF, Warrior is for You! ”

— Lynsey Dunham, Springfield, IL

“I was drawn to the Warriorship because of the infusion of animal avatars. It was an opportunity to take a deeper dive in with animal guides. Much like the Shamanic Healing Initiatory Process (SHIP), there is an introduction of new information  that brings a deeper understanding of the energy each animal holds. At the same time more is revealed about our own inner nature. The trauma we have experienced and how it has shaped not just who we are but our perception of the world. With the energy of our creature teachers, runs a thread of our humanity, the roles we play as victim and predator. Once revealed, another option is introduced. Another way of living that promotes our uniqueness but also recognizes that we are all part of an amazing whole. Each animal brings new lessons to learn in being the person we have been, are, and will be. There is new discovery and unveiling of more within.

With each one, I have gained new perspective. There is healing and my heart opens just a little more. Warriorship is about discovering your own sovereign nature, how to be true to yourself, and in relationship with others and the world. Count me in.”

— Barbara Van Dyke Brown, Springfield, IL

“I just love Warrior weekends. They are a gentle way of healing myself. Learning about me . The greatest thing I have learned is about Boundaries, with each weekend of Warrior my Boundaries became clearer. Truly a gift for me . Such a lesson in self care. Carly, John, Ruth and Teri hold space in a fantastic way to explore your Warrior self. ”

— Gayla Cheffy, Springfield, IL


  • The Shamanic Warriorship Path is a Training Program for Warrior Leadership for a New Age.

    These are the times that have been prophesied for centuries by indigenous cultures across the globe. One example of this is The Tibetan Buddhists who described this time on Earth as one when the Shambhala Warriors would return. They spoke of a new kind of warrior energy seeding the planet, an energy that holds a higher perception of how to dismantle the old structures. This energy comes not from weapons of mass destruction but the higher love and wisdom of being a divine human on earth who holds the container of higher love, wisdom and compassion as they see the bigger picture.

    It is in this time of change that we need a new paradigm of the warrior, the birth of a new kind of warrior energy that is in alignment with the heart and the higher frequencies of consciousness unfolding on the planet.

  • The Shamanic Warrior eliminates that which no longer serves us as individuals or as a whole. This energy creates a powerful force field that serves all of humanity with compassion. Decisions are made from a higher consciousness based on shamanic sustainability, which enhances humanity and nature, staying aware of the needs and aspirations of the whole eco-system, promoting harmony and balance.

    This warrior helps us expand our consciousness and shake the foundations of our old beliefs as well as the systems and structures these old beliefs grew out of, often referred to as the Patriarchy. This new vision for Humanity embodies a healthy masculine and feminine integration with Shamanic Warrior consciousness, creating the potential for a New Earth.

    We attain this frequency through a deep inner healing of the personal and collective psyche. We are all going through these changes but Shamanic Warriors are being called to ignite the consciousness of the masses to facilitate this rebirth of our planet.

  • Some of you may be stepping into a new understanding of your sacred purpose and others may not be sure of your direction or place in universe, yet each of you are moving towards an awakening of a deeper actualization of your inherent potential during this new age of consciousness. But as we implement this directive, we may find ourselves challenged by life events and old patterns that make it difficult to keep our momentum as we embrace new passions and visions.

    Although we are much further along on our journey to wholeness, we may find that we still struggle with resistance, fear and doubt as we work to bring these new visions into fruition. The warrior is someone who fights for what is sacred to them; often their own or their community’s freedom. The new warrior energy that is emerging comes from a place of deep inner healing and transformation for us personally and collectively.

  • No, you do not. Each module stands on its own and can be attended independently.

  • After completing all four modules in either initiation, you will be a graduate from this warrior leadership training program.