More Offerings

Integration of our Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

8-week Online Course

$200.00 (Early bird is $160)

Next Circle Forming in 2025

In March of 2022, I came back from co-facilitating a trip to South Africa, and visiting the White Lions as well as several sacred sites including a new one, Paarl Rock.

On returning, I downloaded a new class, The Fem-Mas-Cue-Lin which consists of a series of 8 classes in  which we dive deep into a relationship with our inner and collective masculine & feminine. It was such an inspiration to be with these beautiful souls who showed up to do the work of integration that is unfolding on the planet.

Paarl called me back to do a vision quest on this mountaintop in October 2022. The quest was profound and the information received has deeply informed this class.

I hope you will join me in exploring the relationship between feminine and masculine integration in a powerful way.

  • Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Integration Initiations

  • DNA Activations

  • Find your Inner Warrior of Truth, Love, and Light

  • Shamanic Breathwork & Guided Experiential Journeys

  • Remember Who You Are

  • Shine Your Light

Facilitated by Carley Mattimore, Master Practitioner, Spiritual Midwife and Warrior of Light, Love and Truth in Training

Dare’ Dream Circle

Aahara Spiritual Community is offering a Daré Dream Circle that meets monthly to share our dreams with each other on the personal and collective level. You do not need to have a dream and you are welcome at any time.

Daré is a word from the African Shona language which means a gathering together of community to share their ideas, stories, dreams and gifts and to support each other in our personal and collective healing. This will include drumming. We call in the ancestors, the elements, animal totems and spirit guides to support us in understanding our dreams.  

This circle is a free event offered by Aahara. Love offerings are welcome.

Registration is not required and walk-ins are welcome.

Becoming A 5th Dimensional Human On Planet Earth

Circles will meet 2 weekends a year, for two years, for a total of four Mystery School Segments. Commitment to all four is necessary.

Next Circle Forming in 2025

Our Shamanic Multi–Dimensional Mystery School is designed for those who have already done the bulk of their emotional healing, have sought to live by their heart’s wisdom, and have felt guided by Spirit in many of their life choices. We are very excited to bring forward such an offering and know that you will hear the call if this is the right process for you.

The multidimensional teachings in this mystery school are based on the work of Barbara Hand Clow and Judith Corvin-Blackburn. Characteristics of 5th Dimensional humans include understanding that we are all One, that there is a unified field that interconnects with all existence, and that we have the ability and right to live in unconditional love, free of self– or other– judgment. Another essential characteristic is unbridled creativity. When we operate out of 5th-dimensional consciousness, we automatically quiet our egos and allow our hearts to lead in all areas of our life, creating a new level of harmony, inner peace, and higher perceptual abilities.

The Shamanic teachings are woven together regarding our interdependence and co-creation with all of the natural world and cosmos, understanding each as a part of the whole; a microcosm of the macrocosm. The elemental forms of water, earth, fire, air, and spirit are the unifying essences that permeate the shamanic world underscoring the creative process of birth, death, and rebirth in our evolutionary progress. Within these teachings the feminine life force energy, the unconditional energy of love, flows through, supporting us as we remember the shamanic mysteries encoded in our DNA. These mysteries include exploring our origins along the 31st meridian in Africa.

Facilitated by Judith Corvin-Blackburn and Carley Mattimore.

This school will be taught in 4 segments and each segment will include indigenous and star consciousness teachings, a new relationship with time and our soul experiences, inner journeying, and a new collective vision for ourselves and our world.

Segment 1: WATER

In this first segment, we dive deeply into the gestation process, visioning and dreaming our expanded multidimensional selves. We will gain an overview of the different aspects of our multidimensional nature, how they correspond to the lower, middle and higher worlds of the shamanic process and how to discern the difference between our 3D vs. 5D frequency. We dream a time when our 5D frequency reigns, and gain clarity on how this will shift our lives. Journeying with our guides into our Inner Wisdom, we share our visions and together create images of a loving, just and evolved world on Planet Earth.

Segment 2: EARTH

In this segment, we begin our journey down the birth canal. It is here our blocks and resistances arise. We will work with our inner skeptic, as well as our fears around being the pioneers or avatars we are meant to be. Our inner journey will help us sort between illusion and grounded, practical applications of how to live our 5D potential in day-to-day life. We will work also with the Collective fears and resistances to creating a new way of living on our planet.

Segment 3: FIRE

Our resistances are now waning as the cervix fully opens, allowing us to dig deeply into our creative core. We move through Earthly constraints igniting new ways to inspire each other and shift the collective consciousness in our outer world. As we do this, we increase our awareness of our shadow aspects, and work to integrate these parts more fully, and simultaneously clear the canopy of 4D so it no longer blocks our access to higher dimensional reality. We will journey with our shadow selves, helping them release their attachment to our 3D expression which allows us to step more fully into our multi-dimensional potential, and fully reclaim our 5D nature. Then together, we work with the Collective shadow, preparing to birth inner and outer New Earth.

Segment 4: SPIRIT & AIR

As the birth process nears completion, we now SURRENDER, allowing our old way of living to fall away. We feel Spirit informing us more clearly than ever. We see our inner and outer world through our 5D eyes and our 3D selves no longer have power over us. As we step into our new form, our consciousness is free of attachments. We plant new seeds for growth and transformation and for sharing our new Selves with the world. We are ready to spread our new wings and soar.

Next Class Begins 2025

From Ego Agenda to Soul Purpose

10-week Online Course

This class, using Linda Star Wolf’s 30 Shamanic Questions for Humanity; From Ego Agenda to Soul Purpose...Remembering the Bigger Picture, offers a supportive environment to take a deep dive into discovering more about your authentic self, and move from your Ego's Agenda into your Soul's Purpose.

Facilitated by Master Apprentice Graduate Becky Wheeler.